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Kaska, A Misanthropic Playa Mother

Photo by: Juan P. Zapata

Year: 2017

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Misanthropic Playa Mother: As celebrated and loved as my children are in the default world they are still, too often, invisible or they are a hindrance to the many adults who hurry about in their distracted lives. Adults who are blinded by the material, "maturity", and commercialism of our desensitized, individualistic, egotistic, apathetic, society... Then, they (my girls) enter the playa like a ray of light...the eyes and hearts of the adults around them defrost and open up wide...they see the children and are confused and say, "is it hard to be here with them?" To which I say, "No! This is their world. Their world is magic, play, love, dance, desire, dream, enchantment, curiosity, giving, and all of the freedom you come here to seek. You ignore my children in the default world because you forget who you are...then you come here and want to be near them because they remind you of all that makes you free and happy. Please, when you leave, see the children and know that "child" and "adult" are the same...we are human. There is no difference." My girls didn't want to leave, they want to live in the BRC and the self-expression of the Playa. My husband and I hope to bring them for many years to come in the hopes that if they grow up LOVING Burningman then they will also love all that the BRC holds dear...they will love themselves, community, giving, dancing, getting dirty, water, all the different forms of sexuality, the human body in its nude and natural form, artistic self expression, all body shapes, and all cultures."
