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Homouroboros, Tantalus. Peter Hudson

Photo by: Kathy Mott

Year: 2013

Image Caption: 

Homouroboros slumbers in virtual darkness with dimly lit drums at the base of a large tree. Strike the drum; you will hear the thunder of the drum as you see lightning for each strike. As you continue the rhythm, notice the increased flash rate as the branches of the tree begin to rotate around the trunk. Look up to the base of each branch. A serpent slithers up the branch away from the trunk, a shimmering red apple clenched in its jaws. Follow its path to the end of the branch only to see the apple snatched from its jaws, to be devoured by a playful monkey, swinging branch to branch. Tantalus- To actualize this large-scale zoetrope, participants must engage a laboriously intense mechanism that puts a modern spin on the myth of Tantalus while reflecting on the seemingly dwindling fruits of such labor. 2013 Honoraria
